We also have a Wedding Keyring service. This is where we have a photographer at the ceremony room and captures all the guests as they arrive.
We then process and make the keyrings straight away so that they are ready for collection at the entrance to dinner.
Photo Mosaic®
The Photo Mosaic® is an additional service that can add something fun to your wedding or event.
Suitable for large weddings or corporate events, it can add an extra element of interaction with your guests.
For other corporate solutions, check out our main website,
The GlamCam®
Coming Soon - The Irish version of the Glambot, as seen at the red carpet at many many a Hollywood events.
Video Guest Book - coming soon
Just like an audio guest book that has become popular. The next generation version is the video guest book. Let your guest leave a short video message for you on your special day.
These are premium services will be more expensive than the standard Magic Mirror® or 360 Booth.